Sunday Shorts ~ Absent Minded

I found this prompt, a 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups, on Julia’s Place   and sadly didn’t notice the date.    The idea is to only write 100 words on the picture prompt, and it is deviously harder than you think. 

Having spent more time on this than I should I nevertheless decided to post it!



last piece

On opening her Christmas package Louisa instantly knew its contents.   Breaking the cellophane wrapper, she carefully slid out the chocolate covered nougat, and holding it to her nose, she inhaled along the length of it like some cigar snob.  She smiled.

Not wanting to eat the whole thing at once she picked up her sharpest knife to begin meticulously measuring and slicing the bar into bite sized increments.  Grabbing the plate,  she sat down to watch television.   At the first commercial she was shocked to look down and see only one bite left.   Shrugging her shoulders she ate it too.



22 thoughts on “Sunday Shorts ~ Absent Minded

    • pixilated2 says:

      Yes it is, because I didn’t know how much I would like writing short pieces till I got started. This is good exercise for my gray matter. Although, it isn’t doing anything good for my backside! Thanks, Julie!

  1. Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

    It happens often
    Sad, but true.
    Grandpa called it
    “The Idiot Box”…

    Hmm, with Grandpa’s original “idiot box” being television, after reading your comments here, perhaps the parameters of his definition should be widened? (Speaking of the rabbit hole, never “done” FB; Internet alone is bad enough): But, on the other hand, we learn so much and meet so many interesting people here. Quite the conundrum…
    Perhaps we could consider this as Middle Earth – only on the doorstep – not quite down the Rabbit Hole?

    • pixilated2 says:

      You are too kind! Thank you, Dianne! I am having so much fun doing this. It takes the stress out of writing, sort of like a weekender from the big job. Know what I mean? Yes, I’m certain you do. 😉

  2. littlesundog says:

    Hmm, that’s what happened tonight while I was catching up on blog post reading and snacking. Suddenly, my chocolate covered cranberries had disappeared! Great post… and very funny!

    • Lynda says:

      Yes, having to restrict yourself to only 100 words, and still convey your thoughts deliciously, is very hard. However, it is very fun! Thank you, Patti!

So how about that? Go on; say something!